News Chapel Hill opens doors for Syrian refugees October 3, 2015 Mark Kleinschmidt is among several U.S. mayors offering to welcome Syrian refugees to their cities.
News Hedgepeth honored with scholarship October 3, 2015 The family of Faith Hedgepeth has established a scholarship in her name to help female college students succeed.
Sports Women’s rugby team aims to make it to the playoffs October 3, 2015 The women’s rugby club team almost made it to the final four in the playoffs last year. This year, they hope to make it for the first time.
News Media coverage of mass shootings scrutinized October 3, 2015 After another mass shooting, the media are facing more questions about whether their reporting glamorizes the gunmen.
Features From the farm to the dinner plate October 2, 2015 Al’s Burger Shack is an award winning Chapel Hill restaurant, but it’s not just what happens in the kitchen that makes the burgers good.
Features Breakdancers make Pit their studio October 2, 2015 Students and Chapel Hill residents show off their dance moves in impromptu night performances.
News Campus protests store privatization October 2, 2015 Students and faculty protest a proposed privatization of Student Stores, while administrators weigh the benefits.