Month: February 2019

Carolina Connection – Feb. 23, 2019
The UNC School of Dentistry gets a big gift … and a new name. Immigration officers have made their presence known in the Triangle, creating concern for some UNC students. A local salon is reducing waste one haircut at a time. UNC alumni remember a time in the ’70s when students gathered to smoke pot. Chapel Hill searches for a compromise between developers and residents of a mobile home park. One couple aims to promote mindfulness and wellness through sound.

Carolina Connection – Feb. 16, 2019
UNC elects a new student body president, but low voter turnout suggests many people on campus don’t care about student government. Students lobby to remove a white supremacist’s name from a campus building. UNC-Wilmington continues to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Florence. Local police departments struggle to recruit new officers. A popular UNC class teaches students about death and dying. Some college students are so addicted to their phones that they send texts while they’re asleep.