
CarolinaCast: Cornell Watson talks about ‘Tarred Healing’
Nearly a year since UNC canceled the showing of the controversial photography exhibition “Tarred Healing,” the photos are on display at the National Civil Rights Museum.
On this edition of “Carolina Cast,” photographer Cornell Watson joins Carolina Connection’s Lorelai Skyes to discuss Tarred Healing and the controversy.

CarolinaCast: Recent initiatives aim to reduce inequality in Chapel Hill’s housing market
One of Chapel Hill’s most consistent problems is a lack of affordable housing for students and residents alike. But it’s not a new issue. In this edition of CarolinaCast, Will Christensen and Lorelai Sykes discuss the history of racial discrimination in the housing market and recent initiatives to make housing more inclusive in the area

CarolinaCast: 25 years after it started, the Leandro education funding case awaits an N.C. Supreme Court decision
In 1997, the NC Supreme Court delivered a decision in the original Leandro case. The decision said that every North Carolinian has a constitutional right to a sound, basic education. More than 20 years later, the Leandro case was back before the N.C. Supreme Court this fall.
This time, the issue in the case is whether the judicial branch can force the Legislature to fund a plan that would seek to address inequity in public education funding.
In this edition of CarolinaCast, Walter Reinke discusses the case with William Christensen.

CarolinaCast: The cost of living is going up, but UNC graduate stipends are falling behind
Graduate students at UNC-Chapel Hill say their cost of living exceeds the stipends they receive for teaching and research assistance. UNC professors and administrators say they support higher stipends, but the final decision is in the hands of the N.C. Legislature and the UNC System Board of Governors. On this edition of the Carolina Connection podcast, reporter Jailyn Neville talks with Brianna Atkinson about what graduate students are doing to fight for a stipend increase.

CarolinaCast: After a series of accidents, Chapel Hill address pedestrian safety
An electric cyclist lost his life in a traffic accident at a Franklin Street intersection in late January. The tragedy has sparked a debate around bike safety in Chapel Hill.
Meanwhile, even before the January accident, town leaders were working on new road improvement projects to make walking and biking safer for residents. It’s part of an initiative called “Vision Zero.” The town adopted the plan in October with the goal of reducing traffic fatalities and severe injuries by 2031.
Carolina Connection reporters Elijah Imlay and Brianna Atkinson talk with Jayda Williams about the latest developments.

CarolinaCast: After UNC canceled a controversial photo exhibit, it’s now on display off campus
The public can now see the controversial images that led UNC to cancel an exhibition by a local photographer. In February, UNC leaders abruptly canceled an exhibition by Durham photographer Cornell Watson that documented Black life and Black activism in Chapel Hill. They said some of the images detracted from the message of “reverence” for the Black community that they hoped the exhibition would convey. Watson called the decision censorship. His photos are now on display at the Chapel Hill Public Library. Carolina Connection reporter Jade Wilson talks with Jayda Williams about the controversy.