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Carolina Connection- Jan. 25, 2020

The Daily Tar Heel has filed a lawsuit against the UNC Board of Governors, which could void the controversial settlement that gave Silent Sam to the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Hundreds of Haitian immigrants are living and working in the small town of Mount Olive, N.C., but the federal government may send them back to Haiti. A UNC researcher discusses the coronavirus outbreak. Students and faculty at NCSU are experimenting with vertical farming. In Playmakers’ latest production, actors play different roles in each performance.

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CC Podcast

CarolinaCast: The Daily Tar Heel Sues the Board of Governors

The Daily Tar Heel has filed a legal complaint against UNCā€™s Board of Governors. The paper is claiming the board violated the N.C. Open Meetings Law when it approved a settlement with the Sons of Confederate Veterans. In the settlement, UNC agreed to give the Silent Sam Confederate Monument to the group along with $2.5 million in a trust for the statueā€™s preservation. In a separate agreement, the Board paid the group $74,999 in exchange for them agreeing to limit campus protests.