Month: October 2020

CarolinaCast: Chapel Hill musicians adapt to performing in a pandemic
Musicians across the country are facing unique challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many are finding it difficult to adjust to social distancing requirements in recording studios, closed concert venues, and a general lack of social interaction. That means they’ve had to fundamentally change how they make music.

Carolina Connection – Oct. 17, 2020
Long lines and new COVID-19 safety measures marked the first day of early voting in Chapel Hill. University officials are encouraging asymptomatic students to get tested for COVID-19 frequently at the free Carolina Union testing site. UNC ranked 37th in the nation for the school’s free speech protections. The Town of Chapel Hill is working on a new project to help prevent flooding near Eastgate Shopping Center. Despite new pandemic restrictions, the Tar Heel women’s cross country team started their season with a win. Students are playing Dungeons and Dragons to escape the real world and create a magical new one.