by Stephanie Beckett

Apple calls the action disappointing. Google says it was misguided and wrong. The Bayer Corporation tweeted, “We say NO” to the North Carolina legislature. They are talking about a state law passed this week that overrides local non-discrimination ordinances that protect LGBTQ people.
The law was a reaction to the Charlotte City Council expanding their city’s nondiscrimination ordinance in February. The ordinance also allowed transgender people to use the bathroom or locker room for the gender they identify with.
Within 12 hours, the bill was introduced, debated and signed into law. In Orange County, people are trying to figure out what the law means. UNC leadership released a statement saying they will work to accommodate the needs of all students and faculty and added they heard from many people expressing concern, sadness, anxiety and fear.
Meanwhile in Carrboro, the Board of Aldermen will hold a special meeting Saturday afternoon. Carrboro Alderman Damon Seils joined us to discuss this meeting.
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