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Entire program – Mar. 1, 2014

Businessweek is the latest national media organization to report on UNC’s academic scandal. Students are among the consumers affected by Target’s data breach. A Raleigh company seeks approval for the first drug to treat female sexual dysfunction. High school students learn whether they’ll be accepted to UNC next year.

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Entire program – Feb. 22, 2014

A candidate for student body president attracts national attention, but it’s not enough for him to win the race. UNC employees hope they’re not passed over for pay raises this year. Native Americans are underrepresented on campus.

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Entire program – Feb. 15, 2014

UNC continues to dig out from the winter storm. There’s controversy over a building at Duke named for white supremacist. Autism patients fight for better insurance coverage. Gender non-specific bathrooms appear on campus.

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Entire program – Feb. 8, 2014

Students join thousands of marchers in a state capitol protest. Teachers leave the profession because of low pay. UNC’s student body president election attracts national attention. President Obama addresses sexual assault on college campuses.

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Entire program – Feb. 1, 2014

After a series of shootings on college campuses, UNC and Duke police prepare for a similar emergency. Out-of-state students fight a proposed tuition increase. As Girl Scouts conduct their annual cookie sale, they find a lot of loyal customers at UNC.

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Entire program – Jan. 24, 2014

UNC admits “academic failures” in the scandal affecting student-athletes. Mary Willingham defends her research on athletes’ reading ability. Students provide free medical care. Coach Sylvia Hatchell says she’s feeling good after cancer treatment.