With war in the Middle East, Rep. Foushee says it’s the ‘worst possible time’ for the U.S. House to be leaderless

Rep. Valerie Foushee, a Democrat who represents Orange County, speaks at a House Science, Space, and Technology Committee meeting Sept. 27. (CSPAN)

President Biden has expressed full support for Israel and plans to ask Congress for an aid package that will include both Israel and Ukraine.  But that’s complicated by the political fight among House Republicans, who deposed former speaker Kevin McCarthy.

To talk about the impact of the frozen Congress, we spoke earlier this week with North Carolina 4th district Democratic Rep. Valerie Foushee. She represents Orange, Durham, Alamance, Granville, and Person counties.


  1. Some in the House are so childish they need to be ousted themselves starting with jealous hateful Gatez . We need business done. The ones that are not in this little group need to either straighten them out or send them home.

  2. The politicians need to get their stuff together. Fight for what’s best for our country and not what’s best for you. Stop all the petty fighting and do your jobs the way they should be done.

  3. For years our representatives have served two masters, themselves and the political party which they belong. But the really sad thing is we completely continue to relect them and complain. So look on the mirror and you will see the problem. Our Country is doomed and we have no one blame but ourselves.

  4. I am ashamed of how are politicians are behaving. Get with the program folks or resign. It’s absolute BS. (Not to mention an embarrassment to this country).

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