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Carolina Connection – Nov. 5, 2022

UNC housekeepers are demanding higher pay. The U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in UNC’s affirmative action case. The midterm elections could bring about a new Republican supermajority in the North Carolina Legislature. 30 percent more college students have reported feeling burnt out. UNC students reimagine a traditional Greek play with a North Carolina twist. The basketball season starts Monday, but some UNC students may be distracted by a different team’s success.

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CC Podcast

CarolinaCast: The cost of living is going up, but UNC graduate stipends are falling behind

Graduate students at UNC-Chapel Hill say their cost of living exceeds the stipends they receive for teaching and research assistance. UNC professors and administrators say they support higher stipends, but the final decision is in the hands of the N.C. Legislature and the UNC System Board of Governors. On this edition of the Carolina Connection podcast, reporter Jailyn Neville talks with Brianna Atkinson about what graduate students are doing to fight for a stipend increase.