By Sabrina Ortiz, Levi Pitts, Jayda Williams, and Ava Pukatch

Friday morning, student body president Lamar Richards sharply criticized UNC’s safety protocols. He said masks should be required outdoors, vaccines should be required, and students should be able to attend classes virtually. He also urged the community to go beyond the university’s protocols.
Those comments came at a special “emergency” student government meeting that was open to the public. And Richards sparred with university administrators about that meeting. Richards said Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz was scheduled to attend the gathering … but he did not.
Afterwards, in a strongly worded message, UNC leaders said Guskiewicz had been told it would be a small get-together of student leaders. Instead, they accused Richards of turning it into what they called a “publicity stunt.” And they said the student government “grossly misrepresented” UNC’s COVID safety plans.
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