By Megan Cain
State Representative Verla Insko wants to move Silent Sam.
The Confederate Monument stands on UNC’s campus. It’s been controversial for years, and there’s been additional pressure to remove it since last year’s violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Insko – who represents Orange County – says she’ll introduce legislation to move the statue to a safer place.
Megan Cain reports.
The statue honors the UNC alumni who fought to defend their state when their state called on them for their assistance. There is not a racial aspect to it other than those who try to twist the truth to fit their own political purposes. Those who want to remove it are ignorant to the past.
“It” has not been “controversial for years”. Only lately have some flavor of the day quorum that is comprised of those who are only able to pick from the low hanging fruit of ignorance decided that it is offensive.
Jonathan, you are very correct. It should stay to help represent the State’s history also. If some of the anti-Silent Sam people would do some in-depth research on how the Union Troops treated captured slaves they might view Sam a little different. The slaves were considered contraband by the Union Army….they let them starve to death by the hundreds while being held captive by the U.S. Army. FACT
It should be a felony to destroy any statue. That would make them think.
I have a better idea, let’s move the legislator who wants to move Sam.
There is nothing controversial in a very young man being willing to give his life to protect his compatriots. Other than to consider that so many of todays young folks tend to look rather childish and petty in comparison. maybe that is what makes it an issue to them, they look so pathetic in comparison. A young man died to protect others, that makes them very uncomfortable as they are not willing to suffer even a minor inconvenience, let alone put their life on the line.
The only controversial aspect should be the Federal invasion that caused these young men to leave school and defend their state and families. Many disagree with the motives of the Vietnam War, but no one should disagree with honoring those who died because their country required them to go. The only ones who would oppose either are those who wish to undermine American honor and harmony.